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Isolation; and the effects on your mental health

Written by 
Dr Pablo Jeczmien
'Isolation; and the effects on your mental health' blog post.

The Coronavirus pandemic has swept across the globe at an alarming rate, bringing with it mass panic and uncertainty for much of the population. The escalation of which, alongside constant changes in the situation and saturated news coverage, is quite enough to create significant levels of anxiety in most people. However, there are many people already affected by conditions such as anxiety and depression, who might be concerned with how the situation at hand may inflame their pre-existing conditions. Please find below some helpful information regarding how the circumstances may affect you, followed by ways in which you can protect your mental health to mitigate stress on your body. Isolation; could this affect my mental health?

Isolation; could this affect my mental health?

Isolation can be challenging at the best of times, but especially so during times of mass uncertainty. It is when we are confined within our own space, ourselves, without much outside stimulation that our anxieties can surface at their most palpable. However, there is also a place of peace you can find within isolation, especially if your time at home is managed in a way that suits you and your needs. Isolation therefore, does not have to be a scary, chaotic and lonely experience.

Aim to organise your day by dividing it into manageable sections and tasks; shower, get dressed, eat healthily and well balanced, don’t binge and try to fill the gaps with meaningful content such as reading or listening to a good quality podcast.

Are there any coping mechanisms to help those already suffering with anxiety?

There is no simple answer when regarding how to manage anxiety, especially during times that we are facing such uncertainty. Just bear in mind that the sense of peacefulness and happiness – true happiness – is the result of our ability to connect with our inner self; when we drift away from our self, we experience anxiety. Think of all the situations we experience when we feel at peace with ourselves: from the hug of a loved one to the smile of our child, to the sense of comfort we experience stepping under the hot shower…at that precise moment, we are with our self, we are at peace with our self, we are connected with our self.

Try to re-create these experiences; mediation, exercise and using the opportunity to develop a better connection with our self is certainly something we should consider to ease the symptoms of anxiety and create a more peaceful sense of self.

Are those already affected by depression at risk of their condition deteriorating?

We know that social isolation increases depression; therefore, it is important that we maintain communication with our love ones via electronic media; this may not be the best form but it is the only one available to use safely at the moment. Reach out, let people know how you are doing, there are some great services increasing their availability if you feel you unable to communicate with friends or family members about your mental health. Having a routine, a rhythm in our life is fundamental for our mental health and certainly during these times.

Try to exercise in the open if this is possible without compromising your health; exercise is one of the best antidotes against depression. There is now an expanding, versatile range of material that can be easily accessed online for free to help guide exercise and motivation.

Is there anything that could be avoided to improve mental health during the outbreak?

It is really important to avoid an unnecessary overload of information. At a time of crisis such as this, listening to the news and consuming excessive social media is often unavoidable. Although it may seem overbearing, there is positive material being shared all the time to combat the oppressiveness of the news, focus on the positive and encouraging material and try not to dwell on the negative.

You could aim to limit your time on social media platforms that perpetuate mass anxiety and fear. I would also greatly recommend making decisions that are derived from a calm place within you. Cancelling out the noise, and the often contradicting advice others will share with you – often with good intentions – is key.

Make the decisions that feel right for you.

How do I seek help if my mental health worsens?

If you feel your mental health is not improving it is essential that you seek outside help. I strongly recommend that you should contact your doctor or seek advice from a specialist.

For more resources on managing stress and anxiety during COVID-19, read the World Health Organization’s guide.

During this outbreak, look out for those nearby you who might be more vulnerable to the situation, and reach out to make sure they’re doing alright. If you’re staying indoors and would like to still speak to a specialist,there are plenty of specialists on Doctify who offer video consultations so you can speak to someone in the comfort of your home.

Further Reading